Full moon telegram 1969
Born at full moon
- 03.01.1969 – Michael Schumacher, German formula 1 race driver
- 25.09.1969 – Catherine Zeta-Jones, British actress
- 25.10.1969 – Simone Koch, German iceskater
Deceased at full moon
- 02.02.1969 – Boris Karloff, English movie actor (1887-1969)
- 02.05.1969 – Franz von Papen, German politician (1879-1969)
- 27.08.1969 – Erika Mann, German actress, cabaret artist and writer (1905-1969)
Events at full moon
- 25.09.1969 – Opera Premier “Zweihunderttausend Taler” by Boris Blacher in the opera house Berlin
- 24.11.1969 – Gustav Heinemann is the first German Federal President to visit the Netherlands
- 24.11.1969 – Apollo program: safe touch down of the Apollo 12 spacecraft in the Paficif Ocean. The end of second manned trip to the moon