The full moon calendar 1969

Here you see the full moon calendar with the full moon dates of 1969 and exact times and dates in an overview.

Friday3 January 196919:27:36 
Sunday2 February 196913:55:48 
Tuesday4 March 196906:17:00 
Wednesday2 April 196919:44:54 [/]
Friday2 May 196906:13:24 
Saturday31 May 196914:18:12 [+]
Sunday29 June 196921:03:42 
Tuesday29 July 196903:45:00 
Wednesday27 August 196911:32:24 [/]
Thursday25 September 196921:20:48 [/]
Saturday25 October 196909:44:12 
Monday24 November 196900:53:42 
Tuesday23 December 196918:34:54 

Time specified in Central European Time (CET) or Summer Time (CEST)

Desk calendar with adjustment wheels, made of plastic, from the 1960s. The first full moon as of 1960 was on Thursday, 14.01.1960.

[**] total lunar eclipse
[*] At this point in time, a partial lunar eclipse takes place.
[+] Blue moon (second full moon within one calendar month)
[/] Penumbral lunar eclipse

Here you find information for calculating the exact time, in particular for countries outside Central Europe:

Full moon telegram 1969

Born at full moon

  • 03.01.1969 – Michael Schumacher, German formula 1 race driver
  • 25.09.1969 – Catherine Zeta-Jones, British actress
  • 25.10.1969 – Simone Koch, German iceskater

Deceased at full moon

  • 02.02.1969 – Boris Karloff, English movie actor (1887-1969)
  • 02.05.1969 – Franz von Papen, German politician (1879-1969)
  • 27.08.1969 – Erika Mann, German actress, cabaret artist and writer (1905-1969)

Events at full moon

  • 25.09.1969 – Opera Premier “Zweihunderttausend Taler” by Boris Blacher in the opera house Berlin
  • 24.11.1969 – Gustav Heinemann is the first German Federal President to visit the Netherlands
  • 24.11.1969 – Apollo program: safe touch down of the Apollo 12 spacecraft in the Paficif Ocean. The end of second manned trip to the moon

The full moon calendar 1900-2050
An overview of dates of the past 150 years

For all who would like to look back or look ahead, we have compiled all full moon dates of previous and future years.

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