Send a full moon poem

Here you can send us your full moon poem. Please note our three requirements for publishing:

1) The poem has to be written by yourself, therefore you have to be the author/originator.
2) The poem has to contain the word “full moon” at least once, either in the title or in the text body.
3) We publish only one poem per author.

      Fields marked with * are mandatory for all entries.

      Our guarantee

      We will use your data exclusively for publishing your text in the category full moon experiences. Your e-mail address and personal data will be treated as confidential. Personal data will not be published nor passed on to third parties. You are able to have your entry deleted at any time. A short e-mail is sufficient.

      *** The copyright for the poem remains with you 100%! ***

      Your consent

      By sending your entry, you declare that you are the author/originator of this poem. You declare your agreement with the free publication in the category "full moon poems". There is no obligation on our part to publish your poem. We only publish one full moon poem per author.

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