The heartbeat of the full moon

We have compared the amount of visitors from our full moon pages with the curve of an electrocardiogram (ECG) and came across an astonishing similarity. It almost appears as if the attention that we humans give to full moon would have its own heartbeat …

It is obvious that the interest in full moon can be linked to its rhythm. The average duration of a moon month is approx. 29.5 days, so a little bit more than four weeks and a little bit less than one calendar month. One can safely say, a lot of people are paying attention to the moon at full moon and clearly a lot less so during the other moon phases.

We established this by the number of visitors on our Internet pages. Here, we have up to 20,000 visitors daily around the time of full moon. The period between two full moons averages around 10 % of that. Taking a look at the wave that represents the number of visitors, we can see the image of what surprisingly resembles an ECG wave.

(See picture above: web statistic; below: ECG recording)

Looking at these waves in detail, you recognise on one hand the large, elevated wave that shows the strongest contraction of the heart muscle  and the moon wave at the time of full moon. Furthermore, there are similarities in subtleties. For example, the smaller waves that lie in between the peak waves and are produced through the excitation propagation (beginning of contraction of the muscle) and the excitation diffraction (end of contraction of the muscle) of the heart rhythm. On the web pages, it is these half moon phases (waxing/waning) and new moon that will evidently remind some when the next full moon will be, and this way lead to visiting the full moon pages.

Surely, it might only be a general resemblance between these two waves, but we think it reflects a basic principle of life, being the law of rhythm and vibration. Already to be found in the hermeticism (an ancient secret doctrine): »Everything flows from and to, everything has its own tides, all things rise and fall, the swinging of the pendulum is reflected in everything …«. This principle is mirrored in all that determines and accompanies our life. And there are countless examples of sinus-shaped curves in biology, physics and technology and in many other areas.

Full moon gives rhythm to our life, and sometimes special things do happen in the full moon light that could cause our hearts to just beat that little bit faster …


  1. David | 16 November 2017

    Great information, confirmation of the pulse, genius idea for a study. The moon is our heartbeat.

  2. Hopestar | 16 April 2011

    Love this!

  3. monique | 15 April 2011

    that’s beautiful

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