Tag: Body

Mooning – displaying the bare buttocks

The human buttocks are being linked to the Moon at times, just like in the case of the so-called sexual position “full moon”. This is due to the large, round shape of the buttock cheeks, which could occasionally remind of the lunar globe when properly lit or observed from the correct angle.

If someone shows their bum publicly, he or she usually does so to break a socially accepted norm and to express their protest or contempt. Or simply because of the fun of it provoking other people. This “baring the behind” is called “mooning”. It derives from the verb “to moon”, which means  “to expose to the (moon)light”.

Columns: Worth reading, Worth seeing, Worth smiling | 2 Comments

Slim and lean with the moon diet?

It belongs to one of the more strenuous ideals of our times, wanting to be slim and beautiful and fit. A multi-million industry is connected to this image and people like us, can decide as to how much we want to participate in this game. Most of us have already more of it on their minds as they may actually like to. And since the ideal of the slim and slender body doesn’t happen naturally, people have invented the diet. However, this word derives from the Greek díaita and relates to the correct organization and way of life in general. So losing weight is not actually the focus after all, but rather a life in balance.

Columns: Worth reading, Worth smiling | 2 Comments

To the hairdresser at the full moon?

You always hear that certain things should be done or left undone at certain phases of the lunar cycle, also during a full moon. You can believe it or not. It surely cannot be proven and to be honest, we are quite skeptical with regards to the attribution of human activities and lunar events. However, we would not like to exclude it – after all neither the efficacy nor the inefficacy of such theses has been proven. As long as you don’t get caught in your own convictions, it is part of people’s liberty to create their lives freely.

Columns: Worth reading, Worth seeing, Worth smiling | 4 Comments
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