Supermoon. Everything super, eh?

The Moon circles the Earth. But indeed, it is no circle, but an ellipse, which portrays itself in space like a kind of spiral, because the Earth, together with the Moon, circles the Sun. And thus, the distance between the Earth and the Moon does not remain the same, but continuously changes. The distance varies between approx. 357,000 km/222,000 mi (called perigee) to approx. 406,000 km/252,000 mi (called apogee).
So when the Moon is at perigee at its closest point to the Earth of its orbit, it appears larger than usual for the observer from the Earth and therefore brighter because more reflected sunlight is visible. NASA estimates the difference of size perception between perigee and apogee to be 14% and the difference of brightness to be 30%. But one must consider the fact that the distance does not change suddenly but steadily. And then a few percentage remain which are hardly observable, especially not, when the Moon is high up in the sky and you have no means of comparison.

Whoever waits for this spectacular event on a super full moon might just be disappointed. The word “super” is completely exaggerated. Who would call a musician a “superstar”, who is only 7% better than the average and only 14% better than his worst competitor? We humans are obviously only susceptible for the magnificent, for the superlatives, for the sensational and the onetime opportunity, which has definitely to be grasped. Maybe because our life is usually the opposite.
If we ask a wise man about a happy life, he will advise us to search for this happiness in the balance, in the middle of the extremes. Of course, the highs and the lows are part of this, but the fulfillment lies in the happy medium. If we look at it in this way, the Moon is a perfect role model, because it wanders through the extreme without remaining in it and commutes consistently through all phases. That is quite super!
Is it true that on a full moon, people in psychiatric wards go berserk?
I don’t go “Berserk” but all my life, have been affected by the full moon.. wide awake all night … menstrual periods always on the full moon…surge of energy to clean… am in a more intuitive mode than usual… this lasts around, before/on/after for a 5 day period
Thank you for your work creating and maintaining the site. I service clocks for my business, and my customers are amazed that I know the exact second the moon is full, thanks to you!!. I recommend your site to all who express interest.
I hope you have a pleasant surprise from your fundraising request. I’m sure that you never thought you would have nearly 50,000 subscribers.
Thank you for your dedication, and for your willingness to allow us, your fans and friends, into a little slice of your life.
Thx sooo much for your site and info. Im a fullmoonchild and always get that tinkling sensation on full and new moon. I also realy like the thought that im not alone with the feelings toward the moon. She lights her energi on all of us.
….. occasionally I also shine brighter than at other times and I appear bigger at times ,,, now that I think about it ! ;-)) I very much appreciate your fullmoon.home and the nice little read and reminder of the exact / precise day and time TY !!!
I am glad I found this website a while back. I await the info with great interest. I was born on a full moon in Pisces and at times full moon affects me days before in that I become depressed,etc…. I am a sun Virgo. I about to make a very big decision and I am tossing between
head and heart !! It is a massive step which means after many years I am relocating to the country of my birth. Any help out there please ? Thanks
When the Moon is in Aquarius, the interest towards everything new, unconventional increases, and your head is congested with original ideas. In these days you are selfish, blunt, but never refuse help. –
… your Full Moon insights are a true confirmation of what I see, feel and observe. Enjoy your site thank you and cheers to all the others with “Night Crazies”! 🙂
There’s definitely something magical about the moon in general but especially the “full moon” and I am fascinated by its beauty. BTW is the moon considered male or female?
And, yes, Thank You So Much for the reminders every month and for your articles.
Love, Health and Happiness…
Does it make any difference if the moon is male or female? I wonder what they would be.
Although I have seen the face of the man in the moon. Have you?
It is magical.
Love, Health and Happiness is wished for you also.
My friend from Venezuela tells me she grew up seeing the woman in the moon. She pointed her out to me. She is on the left side, bending over to pick up a basket.
A Japanese friend tells me he grew up seeing the rabbit (no gender) in the moon. So far, I haven’t learned how to see the rabbit.
Im very thankful that I found your site or did it find its way to me? I find comfort in knowing that there are others out there with the same passions Thank you for sharing your knowledge and the comfort and joy you give me Connie
I love this text. I make it a point to be sure to see the moon when I get a text. It feels magical when it is in the full phase. Thank you so much for sharing this texting notice.
I enjoy receiving the full moon reminders and love your interesting comments and information. Such a positive site you have created ! Truly a pleasure to read. Thank you for the time and thoughtful energy you bring to what must be a labour of love !
thanks, enjoy your info.
Thanks, truly enlightening article. 🙂
Amazing – The moon is a constant in my life and I look forward to it’s waxing/waning each month – it’s beauty and starkness never fails to fill me up – man should stay off the moon and let us continue to revel in it’s mystery and beauty –
I wish I could think of something clever and meaningful to say. I can only glimpse in wonder at the beautiful moonstone given to me by my husband which I will be wearing on the night of the full moon to release the past. My moonstone brings me closer to Archangel Haniel and her nurturing, loving energy. May she nurture us one and all with her magical love.
Here is an article about the moonstone 🙂