I’m thinking of you at the full moon

This article is for all lovers who are far apart from each other – maybe due to travelling, maybe because of personal circumstances.

Sometimes we have to learn not to experience geographical distance as inner distance. But although it is said, love surmounts time and space, one still has a longing for closeness, which is difficult to push aside, despite all sensible thoughts. A kiss over the phone is simply not the same as the moment when lips touch.

So to make distance more bearable, a common ground can help, something that can give the longing a sense of direction, a special moment in time that accompanies this journey like a shared promise. What lies closer than to chose the moment of the full moon to think of each other. Over the years, we have received many letters from people who have made this promise to each other.

The movie »Dear John« from 2010, reflects exactly this. The American soldier John and his lover Savannah have been separated due to John’s stationing and mission in Iraq. John writes in one of his letters:

»But it’s a full moon here tonight which makes me think of you, because I know no matter what I’m doing, no matter where I am, this moon will always be the same size as yours, half a world away.«

There is a further reference in literature by the German poet Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1749-1832). In his full moon poem »Dem aufgehenden Vollmonde« (»To the rising full moon«) from 25th August 1828 [*], he writes of his lover from the distance, whose love he feels reassured of by looking at the full moon:

»… Zeugtest mir, daß ich geliebt bin,
Sei das Liebchen noch so fern …«

»… Showing me how loved I am,
No matter how far my Beloved may be …«]

It is presumed that this poem was directed at Marianne von Willemer (1784-1860), the wife of a befriended banker, who Goethe has met 13 years earlier several times and probably had fallen in love with. During one of their meetings in September 1815 [**] they both had apparently made the promise to think of each other at the full moon. In Goethe’s collection of poems »West-Eastern Divan« (1819) this has also been mentioned:

»… Euch im Vollmond zu begrüßen.
Habt ihr heilig angelobet,
Dieses ist der Augenblick.«
(»Vollmondnacht«, Book Suleika, Part 110)

»… To greet you at the full moon,
you praise sacred,
this is the moment.«]

We would like to encourage all people who are separated from each other to think of each other during the full moon. If you have entered to receive our full moon memo, you will be reminded monthly of this event. And your love has from now on a silent friend in the night sky.

[*] The full moon was on Monday, 25th August 1828, 05:30:00 am
[**] The full moon was on Monday, 18th September 1815, 04:08:06 pm


  1. Jamo Jackson | 5 April 2020

    My mother used to sing this song to me while I sat on her lap.

    I see the moon and the moon sees me
    The moon sees somebody I would like to see
    God bless the moon and God bless me
    And God bless that certain sombody.

    God made the moon and the stars up above
    And God made you just for me to love
    He picked you out from all the rest
    Because he knew that I would love you the best

    I see the moon and the moon sees me
    The moon sees somebody I would like to see
    God bless the moon and God bless me
    And God bless that certain somebody

    My mom is 99 and one half years old as I write this.

    Please remember that our moon is the only thing that every person with eyes to see who has ever lived on earth has seen.

  2. Lori | 21 August 2013

    To my wonderful John who completes me… I adore and miss you.

  3. M. | 4 June 2012

    My Beloved B….my little lighthouse.
    Thank You for keeping the light shining…for showing me the way home.
    I Love You.

  4. Don B. | 4 June 2012

    Like the full moon, our love is a reflection of the light within us all. That light is from a supreme being that some call God. Together, we can reflect it back upon the world and upon each other no matter how far apart we are from each other.

  5. Gene H. | 3 June 2012

    Don, I am missing you so much
    You are going through so much pain
    I wish I could be there to hold you and comfort you
    please know I am with you allways holding you and comforting you

  6. d. | 3 June 2012

    As the moon is full, the love in my heart for you is always full…
    Even though you belong to another, you have touched this man’s
    heart like no other soul could.
    I am waiting for you….

  7. Minilix | 3 June 2012

    I will always think of my LOVE at full moon – and a night shared in the sea and on the beach – with the light of the full moon blessing our love and our passion.

  8. rebecca and russ | 2 June 2012

    May you always be together

  9. fred | 2 June 2012

    To my most cherished love whose smile glows like the full moon. She is in Alaska and I’m in Georgia and we will touch each other as be both gaze at the same full moon. I miss her so much.

  10. Susie | 1 June 2012

    Im sending this to my only truv luv I ever had. He is with another but just wanted to let him know I did get the hint but Our moon will never be forgotten.

  11. Manny | 1 June 2012

    Love – Look to the sky and know that I am too! And we are always connected at the heart!! xoxoxo

  12. Lupita | 29 May 2012

    “I’m sending you a thousand kisses by moon” my lover texted me when I told him about the full moon &#9829

  13. Gabriella | 28 May 2012

    What a lovely idea. My boy-friend and I are in a long-distance relationship and I can’t wait to tell him about this! Thank you so much!!! 🙂

  14. Jane Welp | 28 May 2012

    There is a wonderful movie made in Mexico called “Under the same Moon”. The central theme is the separation of a mother and son. Very done & great scenes of the moon. We are so drawn to it, over & over again!

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