A full moon experience by Cindy P

Wedding on a full moon

This site helped me settle on a wedding date: Saturday, April 23, 2016. The day before is a full moon, and it’s as close as I could get for a spring wedding that year.  Read that it’s good luck in several cultures, then realized the real reason I wanted it: Mitch, the man I thought

A full moon experience by Mirrajane

Lunar encounter

I met my love on a full moon. I was walking home from a party one night by a lake and I noticed it was a full moon. I walked to the end of the dock just to gaze at it for a while because it was beautiful. That might sound a little weird but

A full moon experience by Jackie & Kelley Jackson

Happy Anniversary

Ann & Robert, I just wanted to take a moment to wish you a very happy anniversary.   Hopefully you are at the condo in Duluth so you can watch the moon rise over Lake Superior tonight.   Last night Kelley and I finally got the pontoon boat in the water, so we got to get out

A full moon experience by Kris Karr

Experiences of a nurse

I believe strongly that the same forces that influence tides and lunar pulls in our atmosphere, directly effect human behavior and rarely in a positive way in my personal experiences and particularly in my profession of healthcare.  The strange thing is that I feel at my best, sharper and with more energy and can feel

A full moon experience by Darkhellia

Does this happen with anyone else?

Well this is not really an experience but a feeling or emotion. I’ve found that during every full moon I happen to actually see I get restless and usually spend the entire night staring at the Moon or just restlessly pacing in my computer room. I don’t really know how to say this but the

A full moon experience by Caboose

Profound connections

It was a beautiful full moon the night I got married on July 30, 1977 … we drove into the night with the bright light following us everywhere we drove … my husband and I always enjoyed a full moon every month after that for over 34 years. He passed away very unexpectedly on Aug,

A full moon experience by Rosa Paul

Born during the full moon

Thanks to you all, for your diligence. After years of being a fan of and great admirer of Luna, thus a Luna lover, I find to my delight, though no surprise that I was born during a full moon 8/18/1940. I knew there was an overflowing of a nearby river, so I was somewhat prepared

A full moon experience by Belle26101

Crisis centre

I had worked with adults that were mentally challenged and had observed many changes and behavior extremes a few days before and after a full moon. The crisis center employees agreed that they were most busy when a full moon was observed. That has never seemed to amaze me 🙂

A full moon experience by Debbie

Full moon and its effect on people

The full moon does affects people in different ways. I worked in Mental Health Services for quite a few years, and all ward staff working on a full moon knew without doubt, there would be some kind of problem or another. Some staff even worked their days off around full moons. We tracked it for

A full moon experience by Persephone

Moon crazy

I lost my virginity during a full moon, I planned this. I recently conceived a baby on the latest super full moon of May 5th. I looked up the moon calendar and apparently I was born on a full moon 24/1/1978 :). hence my moon craziness 😉

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